AC Maintenance in Orange County, California

Need Air Conditioning Maintenance Service, in Orange County, California? Count on Our Timely, Professionally Trained Air Conditioning Contractors. We Promise To Get the Job Done Right, the First Time, or We’ll Make It Right By Your Home, We Promise

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Stay Cool with a $90 AC Tune-Up from Moffett Plumbing & Air!


Summer in Orange County, CA, can be scorching, and the last thing you want is for your air conditioner to break down. Dependable cooling starts with regular AC maintenance. At Moffett Plumbing & Air, we're offering a $90 AC Tune-Up to ensure your air conditioner is in peak condition when you need it most.



Contact us online or give us a call at (714) 364-1147 to learn more about AC Maintenance or to schedule an appointment.





The Importance of Regular Maintenance



Regular AC unit maintenance does a lot more than just inspect the system and make sure it’s clean before turning it on during the summer months. A few of the benefits of expert AC maintenance services include the following.





Thoroughly Inspect the System and Spot Damage



The home AC maintenance will include a thorough inspection of the system, which enables us to spot potential issues before the system breaks down. Worn or damaged parts can be replaced before they start to cause issues. This makes it less likely you’ll experience issues when you start the system at the beginning of summer.





Help the System Last Longer



When an air conditioner is taken care of, it’s going to last a lot longer. The average lifespan for an air conditioner is around 10 to 15 years. With regular air conditioner maintenance, the unit is more likely to last to the longer end of that range or even longer. This can help you save money in the long run, as you won’t need to replace it as often.





Prevent the Need for Repairs



Repairs are needed whenever anything breaks down, or the system isn’t working as expected. By having worn parts replaced before they break, it’s possible to prevent many common issues air conditioners will experience.





Help it Run More Efficiently to Save Money



Over time, parts will wear down, and dirt can build up on the unit. When this happens, it’s not going to run as efficiently as it would if the system was cared for properly. Routine air conditioning maintenance helps keep the system clean and running correctly, so it’s going to cost less to operate.




Contact us online or give us a call at (714) 364-1147 to learn more about AC Maintenance or to schedule an appointment.





When to Have Maintenance Done



Orange County, CA, residents can have AC maintenance done during any part of the year. The best time, however, is before the summer months begin. With the high temperatures come the potential for the system to break down since it starts to be used frequently. By having the AC unit maintenance done before summer begins, it’s less likely to break down when it’s needed the most. We’ll repair any minor issues during the air conditioner maintenance service, so you won’t have to worry about whether or not it will work when you turn it on for the first time during the summer.





Why Not DIY? Why Call a Pro



It may not look like AC maintenance is very difficult. After all, we inspect the system and look for worn parts. If anything is noticed, there are parts available online, so it should be easy to fix them, right? While parts are easily available, and you may be able to spot some of the potential issues, you’ll likely miss a lot. Our team is highly trained to do a thorough inspection, so we won’t miss any parts that need to be cleaned, repaired, or replaced. We know exactly what to look for, we can make sure every component is working right, and we will have the parts on hand for minor repairs, so they can be done immediately.





Expert AC Maintenance Services You Can Depend On



To keep your air conditioner in excellent condition and prevent major issues, regular air conditioning maintenance is recommended. We offer AC maintenance services as well as other services you may need to keep your home cool throughout the summer months. Along with home AC maintenance, we offer repairs, replacements, inspections, and more. Our team is highly trained and experienced, so we can work on any system and will be able to solve any issues you may have.




No one wants to turn on the air conditioner at the beginning of the summer only to find out it no longer works or have to worry about it breaking down on the hottest day of the year. If you want to make sure your air conditioner is in great shape and ready to use, AC maintenance is recommended each year. Call Moffett Plumbing & Air now to learn more about how beneficial maintenance can be or to schedule your next maintenance service.




Contact us online or give us a call at (714) 364-1147 to take advantage of our $90 AC Tune-Up offer and keep your home comfortable all year lone.



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Brian was very professional and took the time to explain everything thoroughly with us.Rosa M.