2022 Is the Year of the Flapper!

At Moffett Plumbing & Air, We’re on a Mission To Save Water Across Southern California by Giving Away FREE Flappers!

Moffett FREE Flapper

We’re On A Mission To Help Conserve Water

Is your toilet running when it shouldn’t? We know just the thing, old sport. At Moffett Plumbing & Air, we’re on a mission to save water across Southern California by giving away FREE flappers!

Did you know that a running toilet can waste 200 gallons a day? Imagine how much water we could save by installing 1,000 flappers. (It’s about 6 million gallons a month. That’s the bee’s knees!)

How Do I Claim My FREE Flapper?

Receive a free flapper with any service from Moffett Plumbing & Air. Simply fill out your information in the form below, or give us a call to schedule your next service. If you call, let our friendly representative know that you’d like to take advantage of this everyday savings offer. Our team looks forward to serving, and saving you water!